January 8, 2014 // Je Suis Charlie


So yesterday… By 10am I had my Dailimage, cool shots of the Ourcq canal hidden by the fog. And then by 11 we learnt of the attack at Charlie Hebdo. By 1pm I think, we knew that four of the cartoonists of the paper, Cabu, Charb, Tignous and Wolinski were dead. 12 people killed in total. I’m still a little bit in shock and cannot wrap my head around the fact that we live in a world where there are such heinous and intolerant people that you can be killed for a drawing. And I won’t even go into the sad political repercussions this will have. By mid-afternoon, people had organized spontaneous gatherings to protest or commemorate or just do something I guess, and I stopped by the one in Paris, at Place de la République. This square is huge and it was filled and spilling out on the streets. I now read there were about 15,000 people. Many other cities had similar gatherings. On the square people were mostly quiet, and only from time shouted in unison “Charlie, Charlie” or “Liberté d’expression” (freedom of speech). Extremely moving reaction from people, not just in France, but all over the world.

Here I have to choose only one image, but I put the rest of the photos on my second blog, click here to view.


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